There I was, counting my change at the check-out counter and making sure the guy was packing my eggs carefully when I was struck by this unbelievable image. Right there in the magazine rack, amongst the air-brushed anorectics meant to look 10 years old, this cover suddenly grabbed my attention and held it. I couldn’t look away. I was positively entranced. What was such a full-bodied, fully-imperfect woman doing posing nude of all places on the cover of At? This mag, the Israeli version of Cosmo, or maybe a bit of Redbook, is the place where women continuously learn that they are never good enough. Not pretty enough, not thin enough, not rich enough, not successful enough, not good enough cooks or good enough mothers or even good enough house cleaners. (Yes, I was shocked to discover that “women’s mags” in Israel have house-keeping sections.) Yet, here in this space something radical is happening. A fat women. Naked. I looked around, wondering if anyone else could sense the change in the air. This is just radical. Did Mashiach come and I missed it? Am I stuck in Seinfeld’s bizarro world? Do I need a new prescription for my glasses? Or am I just dreaming. Wow, something is happening.